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 Virus - Iron Maiden

Andare in basso 
Truzzi Killer
Truzzi Killer

Numero di messaggi : 418
Età : 33
Band/Autore : Iron Maiden / Rhapsody Of Fire / Burzum xD
Umore : -.-
Genere : Heavy / Hollywood Metal
Fan Club : Rhapsody Fan Club
<hr><font color=\"red\">Livello di war : (0/4)
Data d'iscrizione : 05.10.08

Virus - Iron Maiden Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Virus - Iron Maiden   Virus - Iron Maiden PxnonLun Ott 06, 2008 9:48 pm

There's an evil virus that's threatening mankind
Not state of the art, a serious state of the mind
The muggers, the backstabbers, the two faced elite
A menace to society, a social disease

Rape of the mind is a social disorder
The cynics, the apathy oneupmanship order

Watching beginnings of social decay
Gloating or sneering at life's disarrey
Eating away at your own self esteem
Pouncing on every word that you might be saying

Rape of the mind is a social disorder
The cynics, the apathy oneupmanship order

Superficially smiling a shake of the hand
As soon as the back is turned treachery is planned

Rape of the mind is a social disorder
The cynics, the apathy oneupmanship order

Watching beginnings of social decay
Gloating or life's disarrey

When every good thing's laid to waste
By all the jealuosy and hate
By all the acid wit and rapier lies

And every time you think you're safe
And when you go to turn away
You know they're sharpening all their paper knives

All in your mind
All in your head
Try to relate it

All in your mind
All in your head
Try to escape it

Without a conscience they destroy
And that's thing that they enjoy
They're a sickness that's in all our minds

They want to sink the ship and leave
The way they laugh at you and me
You know it happens all the time

All in your mind
All in your head
Try to relate it

All in your mind
All in your head
Try to escape it

The rats in the cellar you know who you are...
Or do you?

Watching beginnings of social decay........
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Virus - Iron Maiden
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